- Enfermería maternal / Seguranyes Guillot, Glòria
- Problemas neurológicos / Sanfeliu Cortés, Ma. Victoria; Poal Marcet, Mercè
- Problemas vasculares / Sanfeliu Cortés, Ma. Victoria; Suñé Ysamat, Bertila
- Atlas de anatomía humana / Netter, Frank H.
- Elements per fer la transformació digital als centres educatius / Larraz Rada, Virginia; Carrera González, Blanca
- Data science and predictive analytics: Biomedical and health applications using R / Dinov, Ivo D.
- Física: para ciencias e ingeniería / Serway, Raymond A.
- Computer networks / Tanenbaum, Andrew S.,
- Gestión de recursos humanos / Gómez-Mejía, Luis R.
- Game feel: a game designer’s guide to virtual sensation / Swink, Steve
- Game programming patterns / Nystrom, Robert
- Introduction to data science: A Python approach to concepts, techniques and applications / Igual Muñoz, Laura
- Principles of data mining / Bramer, Max
- BPMN 2.0: Introduction to the Standard for Business Process Modeling / Allweyer, Thomas
- Contabilidad financiera / (Rivero Romero, José
Published by Univers Bertrana