Al bàtxelor en Ciències de l’educació dual i multilingüe, els estudiants escriuen sovint reflexions sobre temes diversos i en diferents llengües als seus e-portfolios. Aquest mes, aprofitant l’exposició “Tous Migrants”, alguns han publicat reflexions molt interessants des d’un punt de vista educatiu.
Aquí us en deixem unes quantes que valen la pena llegir perquè conviden a pensar i repensar la nostra societat…
Equip docent BCE
“Today we can see hundreds of thousands of migrants and refugees trying to flee their countries and seek a better life. People – who have lived a lifetime in the same place that has fed them and who have started a family, have their bonds, etc.- have to leave absolutely everything behind and make their life elsewhere from one day to the next. It is their choice, they have the freedom to flee. But… in this case, is it freedom or a necessity?”
Flávia Barros |
“We can see a teacher teaching his pupils in the middle of nowhere. However, the issue is not where they are. I believe the message that this image conveys is that it is not important where one teaches, but the motivation, the desire to learn, and to never surrender whatever the political, social or economic situation of the country are important.” Adriana de Brauwer |
“I believe that the way we think has to change. Once we start being more flexible and put ourselves in the shoes of all these people, we will grow in values and we will be able to change our society; thus making all these people feel welcome in the country where they have immigrated.”
Paula Oliveras |
“La xénophobie est un acte naturel, ce n’est pas réellement la peur de l’autre, c’est la peur de l’inconnu. C’est pour cette raison que la manière de résoudre la xénophobie n’est pas de convaincre en masse que la xénophobie est mauvaise, mais plutôt de se convaincre soi-même, de voir le monde d’une façon différente et ensuite d’essayer de le faire avec son entourage. C’est de cette manière, selon moi, qu’on pourrait diminuer la xénophobie.”
Carlos Pineiro |